Passage from Newport RI to Tortola BVI - Atlantic 48 - 2007
Southbound -Fourth Day - underway Newport to Tortola
Here we are in the middle of the ocean having a fantastic turkey meal that Monique prepared before we left.
Comments received:
Hi Guys, Looks like so much fun! I hope the smell of the beautiful Turkey dinner overrides the scent of the languishing unwashed gear and yourselves. I can't wait to tune in tomorrow. Is it warm yet? Keep up the good humor and song writing skills. When I read that line I automatically put the melody to it. :) Mary
Oh my,sounds like a trip Dad and I took off MVI to the Cape but You are 10x worse. So much for fair winds etc. Just keep repeating,"this to shallpass' Stay safe and ALERT!!!! Love to all,Mom
From Monique: when I post these, if I am lacking photos from crew...I'll add some random sailing ones to keep it fun!