Passage from Newport RI to Tortola BVI - Atlantic 48 - 2007
You know the scene in the movies when someone is walking down a long hall trying desperately to get to the end but the hall just keeps getting longer? The actor seems bewildered with how difficult it is to get to the end of that damn hallway!! Well, on every sailing voyage I have ever done, this phenomenon occurs two days from arrival. The little digital boat on the little digital map just doesn't seem to be getting any closer to the little digital island!! During the past 24 hours the crew, and I'm sure Zen feels the same, entered into the "hallway zone". "When are we going to get there"? "What time does the little digital map say we are going to arrive?" These are the questions we asked each other all day. Now, if you are not careful you can be consumed by this feeling. It has the potential to distract you from the other events that may be unfolding around you. Let's face it, it is not every day you get an opportunity to experience events like these. Fortunately, I was snapped back to reality by an email I received today from an old friend. He said he had visited the Zen blog and it looked Amazing! I paused, I even turned around to Scott and John and read them the short note. My friend was right, this is amazing. I was getting so caught up in the "hallway zone" that I was missing some of the most amazing events of this entire trip. Thanks, Brian!!
So what was so amazing about today? The crystal blue water, the bright blue sky, the tractor trailer size waves, the relentless 30 knot breeze, the ease of sailing Zen in these conditions (although Scott may not agree with this :), the speed we were able to achieve when we purposely put the hammer down (we broke 25kts today...wait till you see the video), the fact that we were on an exact reciprocal (collision) course with a huge ship in such a huge ocean(see the pic), the rise of the "red" moon this evening and last but definitely not least, the desire to arrive, not just arrive in Tortola but to arrive back home to see the ones we can only communicate with through email while on this AMAZING voyage.
Have a great day can be sure John, Scott, Zen and I will.
Position at 0000 Nov 27th
22 00.2N
063 37.5W
Wind: 072 degrees @ 30kts
Speed: 9.6kts SOG
From Monique: when I post these, if I am lacking photos from crew...I'll add some random sailing ones to keep it fun!
I thought the tanker was looking for John to go back to work!! :0 - hope the rest of the journey is just as amazing! love you guys!
What an awesome adventure. You must be psyched on the speed Zen has been able to perform at. Way to go!! We totally get the "hallway zone" Great analogy. Stay safe, and hope to see you soon. Love, Dar and Pete
Thanks for taking us along on the journey with you. I am glad Zen has been an awesome guide for the three of you on this journey. Can't wait until you are back on solid are all set to board a plane on Friday and come home to your families!