Passage from Newport RI to Tortola BVI - Atlantic 48 - 2007
On a Mooring
We passed Anegada at 11:30pm Nov 27th which means we made it from Newport to
the BVI's in 7 days and a few hours. In the last 50 miles we passed a boa
tthat was docked next to us in Newport a couple days before we left. The
yhailed us on the radio and we had a nice chat. I was a nice da
ytoday...very uneventful. Good wind and friendly seas. All we could thin
kabout all day was rounding Anegada. That's all for now. I will share mor
eafter we sleep for a couple days :
From Monique: when I post these, if I am lacking photos from crew...I'll add some random sailing ones to keep it fun!
28 Nov 2007
Erika Magilton
So happy you guys have arrived safely!! Get lots of rest and soak in the beautiful weather!!
29 Nov 2007
Ed & Tina Magilton
Great job. Our family has enjoyed every minute, especially Scotts grandparents!