Just a quick blog to keep everyone posted. Monique took the above shot the other day when a front was approaching. This was the beginning of two days of 20 to 30 kts of wind and rain. The kids were a bit upset that the wind and rain came on the weekend but they have thier freinds (Nik and Tim) from Cataway to hang-out with. It's currently Monday morning and we have sunny skies for the beginning of the school week. Things started a bit slowly this morning but Monique has them on their toes now :)
We have a bunch of great pictures (some fun underwater shots included with some great sea life) to post when we reach an internet connection again. In the mean time we remain in the Tobago Cays for at least a couple more days. If anyone wants to reach us please use the email zensailing[att]ocens[dot]net. Remember, only text to this address.